Hey Y'all! (See, now that we're legit in the south, I've decided that we should start speaking like it) Anyways, the Fourth of July was fun! How fun, you ask?
Well, we all got up and went rafting. And by "we all" I mean everyone but me (Diana). I was sleepy and exhausted, so I slept in the car, while Mayabea, Richard and Jake all headed off to Raft. Mayabea fell out of the boat, but I don't know too many details.
Then we headed off to Georgia. All fun stuff. Lots of windey roads, and stops to buy "Boiled Peanuts" though we didn't stop. We got to the Doziers, and met everyone. Luckily for us, they were already planning a big fourth of july party, so we didn't stick out and were hopefully not much of a burden. Amanda and her friends came over, and we all headed out to the local country club for fireworks.
Now, for people in New Jersey, Fireworks and Sparklers aren't illegal in Georgia!! Which is very very exciting! Oh, another exciting thing about Georgia (at least for me) is the fact that there are KROGERS HERE!! (Childhood memory of mine, of a Grocery store). Now, back to the fireworks. First we got to play with sparklers which was really fun, and then we played tag and took pictures to pass the time. And then the fireworks started. The fireworks were really cool and really up close, and really amazing. I pity all of you that are in Jersey. Jeerrrsseeeeyyy.
Anyways, fireworks were cool, and then we went off to Steak and Shake (thanks Amanda for taking us). It was super cool. I enjoy 24/7 restaurants. Then we went back to the Doziers to sleep. Glorious sleep.. More in the next post.