the ever illusive
In which the fevernauts split by interests
Don't get eaten alive by sharks!

Back to the middle of nowhere
All my hopes and dreams...
(This is going to be a short blog post)
We went to preservation hall and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!
At first, we couldn't get legit seats, but by the 2nd set, I could sit down. The rest of the fevernauts graciously waited for me as I was dazled and amazed by the Preservation Hall Jazz Masters.
The trumpet player was good, and I enjoyed the music a lot because I liked his style. I don't really admire trumpets that are flashy and play lots of high notes, and this guy was very calm and low and chill. Which is a lot like how I play.
MB got me a shirt! Yay!
But all together the entire experiance made me really happy. They played songs like What a Wonderful World and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, both songs that I really enjoyed. Though they didn't know how to play My Funny Valentine, so I couldn't request it.
Anyways, so far, to most of you this has been a long blurb about nothing so I shall move on.
After that, the Fevernauts were all hungry so we headed off to The Gumbo Shop. MB and I split some gumbo that was really good. I'm totally loving the food down here.
And then we went off to go home. Our last night in New Orleans was over and done. Now we move on back up the coast.
Till later.
- d.
In which I wait for clothes to spin...
But so far I'm loving this city.
Thursday, we did a lot of wandering around. We went to Hippie Gypsie and looked at the dresses. Jake got a Hackie Sack that he really really likes. Minimalist.
We had lunch at Pierre Maspero's. I really enjoyed that. (But Ricky already wrote about our food schedual)
We saw the Church of St. Louis. It was pretty. We stayed there and marvled at the architecture for a bit.
MB got her fortion told.
We went to get hats, though I was the only one that ended up buying anything.
We got super hot spicey hot sauce, and went to a toy shop.
And other than that, we did a lot of just soaking up the French quarter's vibe.
We decided to save money, and had Kraft Mac'n'Cheese for dinner. A total of 3.79 for the four of us.
Friday was equily as chill. We woke up late, and headed uptown. There we saw Ricky's grandmother's old house, and the park. Then we headed back to the hostel for a bit, then out again to the French Quarter for dinner. We went to Chartre's Cafe. The Girls really enjoyed it, but the boys didn't as much. Then, exhausted, we all went to sleep.
So not a terribly busy day in the long run.
Saturday (today) we're flowing along.
We woke up and headed over to Galatoire's. Very expensive stuff. We all had to be dressy to go there. But the food was very good. It was rainig when we left, which really worried me. This is because on Thursday, I had seen an art vendor that I realllllyyy wanted to buy from, but he was packing up before I could do so. He said he would be back on Saturday, and I wondered if the rain would scare him off.
We headed back over to Jackson Square where we had seen him. And Lucky for me, he was still there! Very happily, I spent some extra money to buy two of his pieces.
Then we headed home.
I guess I'm in charge of Laundry. So that's what I've been doing while everyone else is up to their usual. Jake is listening to music and playing gameboy. Ricky is on his computer. MB is reading a book.
So daddy, you can't say that I never do laundry. Cause here I am, doing laundry and telling you all about it.
Laundry room is very hot and stuffy. :(
Well, the load is almost done. I should get back too it.
More blog to come.
Attack of the Pictures 2
Picture Attack Part 1
Justice!! (Jake is really small in the background)
Very Pretty Ceiling. And Jake. Yay.
MB walking into the Shakespeare Library! She's happy bout that.
Lord what fools these mortals be!!
Romeo, Juliet, and the Maid!
Bottom, Titania, and Rock.
MB and Puck!
MB loves all the Shakespeare that was about!
And MB LOVES Shakespeare!
We played in the trees in front of the Shakespeare Library. Jake hugs Diana and Ricky proposes to heroic-looking Jake.
Red Beans and Rice
the buff

The much awaited visual effects

Something TIme Consuming and Meaningful
Where are the pictures?!
Day 6: In which the men become girls…
Today was the most chill of all chill days. We woke up at our leisure (I myself was awake and productive an hour before everyone else… see Dad, I do make use of my time not sleeping!) and spent the morning running various errands. We did some laundry, bought some clothes and flowers, watched some Pokémon, and generally relaxed. Diana and I took the opportunity of the free time and safe street parking to unpack and completely reload the car. Odysseus is once again clean inside! (or at least, he was until we set up camp this evening…) By 3:30, we’d said our goodbyes and thank you’s, photographed Phil’s bonsai trees, and were on the road once again.
En Route, we passed a Piggley Wiggley (which made me disproportionately excited), OMG DONUTS!, some crazy Alabama drivers (who go 25 in 35 mph zones, but then hit 85 on the highway), and lots and lots of depressing trees. I don’t know why they were depressing, but Jake says they were depressing, and sure he is an honorable man.
We arrived at DeSoto Caverns Campground, after following the signs way back from “DeSoto Caverns Ahead… 10 Mi- AWESOME!” until we reached the actual site. It is not awesome. I feel lied to.
There are lots of “attractions” here, including a petting zoo and climbing towers to create the most awesome water balloon battle ever, but we are probably not going to be partaking in any of them, because we would rather sleep in the morning and then we have 6 hours of driving. The only other things here are bugs and frogs. And boy, are there bugs and frogs.
Our site is right next to a stagnant pond of water that looks gross and is just an all-around bad idea. It led to lots and lots of flies hovering around our food at dinner, and a giant gazukus (sp??) bug getting inside the car as we were unpacking things. At this point, the men decided to remove the thing from Odysseus’ rear end. They poked and prodded at it with a stick, and with Jake’s iPhone (I have no idea why…) and as it moved jumped back. There may have been some girly shrieking involved as well. The greatest part of it all, though, was almost immediately afterwards, when they were looking at frogs in the so-called pond. After Jake and Richard had been watching one for a while, a 10 year old boy walked up and just went for the frog with his bare hands. He wins.
Dinner today included kosher hot dogs and kosher chicken soup. I was happy.
(The twice-baked potatos that Mary Ann gave us did not last all the way to dinner… we ate them within the first hour on the road!)
Safely in our bug-less tent, we watched Julie & Julia on Ricky’s computer. Now Diana and I are keeping him awake by writing this, so I suppose I’ll end here. I don’t really have any more to say anyhow.
(7/5) In which we drink too much
It was a glorious day! “Why?” do you ask? Well, I gladly inform you that we slept late. And as late as we pleased. In real beds, I would like to add. That is all it takes to make a glorious day.
We drove to Atlanta on the 5th. Figured we would spend our time seeing the sights and whatnot! So our first stop, was….
Drumroll please….
A Parking lot! Well you don’t suppose we walked all the way there did you?
I was having trouble with my ankle, because I had twisted it at Rose Creek, and then slipped down the stairs at the Doziers, only making my ankle worse. So I wrapped it and off we went on our way to the Wonderful World of Disn… I mean Coca-Cola.
On our way (taking our time, I might add) we stopped at the Olympic Centennial Park. Mayabea wanted to frolic and play in the sprinklers, (as she did at age four) but Jake, Ricky and I maliciously held her back! Her tears did not sway our iron hearts.
We stood in line. A very long line, and got cokes in the nice, classic, glass bottles, but you’re not allowed to bring Glass into the Coca-Cola works. Oh well. They were left in the cold, red-tinted chamber of the recycling bin.
I would like to say that I thought the entire factory was really cheesy. Mayabea on the other hand, enjoyed it, because she is fond (overly fond) of cheesy things. Most of our readers already know that.
(Boy this is going to be a long post. Just what all our parents are craving right now… Other than cheese. Cheese and Coke.)
The part that I think all of us enjoyed, was the FLAVOR TASTING! Now, kiddies, Coca-Cola produces much more than Classic Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet (Zero) Cherry Coke, caffeine free Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke, (No Diet Vanilla Coke), Diet Coke with Lime, and Coca-Cola ZERo. Oh no. If you thought that was all, you are terribly mistaken.
We drank all 64 flavors of soda produced by Coca-Cola. And just so you know our pain, we drank the following:
Bibo Pine Apple, Sunfill Strawberry, Bibo Kiwi Mango, Spar-berry, Sunfill Mint, Krest Ginger Ale, Stoney Tangawizi, Fanta Exotic, Nestea Peche Blanche, Fanta Pineapple, Nestea Lemon, Kinley Bitter Lemon, Sweetened Raspberry Iced Tea Nestea (Mayabea’s favorite), Fanta Magic, Mezzo Mix, Beverly, Powerade Fruit Punch, Minute Maid Lemonade, Fanta Strawberry, Pibb Xtra, Fresca Sparking Citrus, Vault, Fanta Orange, Sprite, HiC Apple, Vegitabetta, Crush Lemon, Fanta Apple Kiwi, Nestea Ice Rush, Smart Watermellon, Thirst Quencher! Ice, Smart Apple, Nestea Mango, Delaware Punch (ppftt, Delaware), Ciel Aquarius, Simba Guarana, Nestea Light Peach, Fanta Kolita, Manzana Lift Roja, Inca Kola, and all of the mentioned (*cough* NORMAL *cough*) flavors above.
As you can imagine, by the time we got to plain old Classic Coca-Cola, we felt as if we had never tasted anything better.
And as you can imagine, we plan on drinking water for the rest of the trip.
From the Coca-Cola factory, we went to Dinner. We had found this cute place in Atlanta that reminded us of the old restaurant that used to be in town: J.P. Lees. It was called “Chow Baby.” And if you forgive my language, Hot Damn it was good.
After that, we figured we would try and find Little 5 Points, an area of Atlanta that we had been informed of and really wanted to see. By then, it was almost 10, and the surrounding town didn’t seem like the best place to be. So after about 10 minutes of wandering in a tight-knit group, Mayabea clinging to Richard’s arm the entire way, we headed back to the car to go home.
We were greeted by MaryAnn, trying to make sure we had had enough to eat. And my god, we had. This, however, did not stop most of us from eating Ice Cream (It did stop Jake). Then we watched part of a Horror movie, some House, and went off to slip into a glorious food coma in bed.
(7/4) If it looks like a bench, and it quacks like a bench...
Day 3: In which the boys continue to be Men, and MayaBea relinquishes the wheel
Not very much of interest happened on Day 3- it was just the trek from Richmond, VA to Franklin, NC. After stressful drives both previous days, I relinquished control and gave Jake the wheel. Diana sat shotgun, and I finally got to sleep.
We stopped for lunch at a diner and, though it wasn't quite an NJ diner, it was pretty classic. We decided that Jake's Mr. Pibb was Dr. Pepper's less pretentious, title-less friend, and so we like him better. We made friends with our waiter, saw some girls with interesting curlers in their hair (at least, I think that's what they were!), and taught Ricky the phrase "whinging adolescent," before piling back into the car for another four hours of road time.
Prior to arriving at Rose Creek Campground, we had our first major debate of the road trip. I pose the question to you: In a world where "everything was exactly as it seemed," could there be "a man with something to prove, slightly bored and severely confused," as the lyrics to Sleeping In (by Postal Service) suggest? This debate lasted us all an hour and a half, and led to both Jake (the driver) and Diana (the navigator) missing our exit by 4 miles. Claudia helped us get back on track, though, and we arrived at the campsite with no problems.
For dinner, we had a vaguely mexican themed hodge-podge of foods. We sautee peppers and onions, made black beans and rice, and ate the whole thing all in tortillas with salsa. After that we headed to bed. As I said... not so interesting a day. Pretty fun, though!
Car Games
Pictures from DC
We'll need a bigger tree!
camera in car....
I was the only fevernaut that hadn't actually been to our nation's capital previously. I can't say I was that impressed. I did like the WW2 memorial, but the rest just sort of looked like the pictures. I'm not a history buff, but I do feel that I have achieved something by actually coming here and seeing a lot of it all. My feet hurt very much by the end of the night, but then again, I'm in new converse.
Uber-thankfully, we got a cab back home and gave up on Ben and Jerry's. I am the ice cream snob of the group, and I have probably eaten or been around icecream much much more than any of the other fevernauts, so I didn't really care. Thank you MB for the cab home.
Sadly, I left both the SD camera card, and my iPod safely nestled inside Odysseus. But that may be a good thing-- they're not something I have to pay close attention to in the morning. I got some really nice pictures though, and when I can, they shall be posted.
I'm beginning to think that the best idea with the pictures is to upload them to facebook, seeing as it would be mighty obnoxious to put them directly here.
Another update is the additional occupants of the hostel room. 4 are the fevernauts. 3 are young british marines that are out of base for a 5 day holliday. 1 is still unknown (he's actually in the room right now. x.x) Seems like a chill dude. Quiet and reserved.
Pictures coming tomorrow. Quite happily, I am going to try to go to sleep now. Last blog of the night, Yo.
(Aww.. fuzzles.. I think I wrote too much..)
Sore Feet
dc and final scores
first thing we did after my last post was eat ethiopian food, and i can't recommend it. i think they gave us really crappy food because we were white, and clearly had no idea what we were doing. i will admit, that it tasted amazing, but the only utensil we were given was the horrible spongy batter cake, that tasted and textured so poorly.
so, after a brief attempt to find a wachovia (win) and a dramatically longer attempt to navigate the dc metrobus system (fail), we hit the monuments. in order:
there are hella pictures but i'll let diana explain why they won't be uploaded here, today.
we searched in vain for a ben and jerry's but to no avail.
the single additional occupant that i mentioned earlier has now become four additional occupants, none of which have made contact
two of them have union jack blankets. (and have made contact as i type (they seem cool)).
here are the final scores for high way shenanigans.
license plate game:
diana (18)- pennsylvania, new york, rhode island, florida, ohio, alabama, massachusetts, iowa, deleware, ontario, vermont, california, wyoming, illinois, south carolina, wisconsin, washington dc, diplomat
jake (11)- connecticut, maryland, virginia, montana, maine, idaho, west virginia, quebec, texas, oklahoma, kansas, government, -1 for false guess
mb (2)- oregon, north carolina, georgia, -1 for false guess
ricky (0)-
yellow car game:
jake 16
diana 12
ricky 2
mb 0
slug bug:
mb- 6
jake- 4
diana- 2
ricky- 0
ricky is upset that we're imposing a no night life policy. oh well. probably new orleans will be his time to shine. but we just got started, and those of us who didn't sleep in the car are exhausted, so we need him to behave.
Hallelujah, it's Raining Danes
Audacity of Huge
We drove for a bit, and haven't tried to kill eachother yet. Awesome games of Yellow Car and Liscence Plates. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
We took a detour to avoid a bridge/toll and ended up in Baltimore. Very pretty city. We cleverly avoided a resteraunt/bar named "Make Some BAD DECISIONS." Bet you all are proud of us, eh?
So, we stayed in the car as we drove through Baltimore, to avoid... whatever.... On the way we saw bigbig boats, buildings, baltamore's best pit beef, and a midget.
So now we're in DC. Safely in the hostel. Shirtless danish dudes welcomed us. We will soon be off to Ethiopian food, and then to wander around. I shall continue taking pictures. We'll probably cook our own dinner. Tentative plan is Parma Rosa. Yummy.
washington dc
just wanted to let you know that we've all arived at the hostel and that, following the danish tradition, are shirtless.
it's been a fun trip so far.
we attempted to not pay for a toll on a bridge 'round baltimore, and ended up driving thorugh it. at first, we thought it was really nice, but then we realized that it just wasn't nj. more to follow on all this, later, when we're done touring dc.
oh and
no sighting yet of the other member of our room. if he/she is boss enough, then we may have to make him/her an honourary fevernaut.